The Green Choice: Artificial Trees Are Better for the Environment
When it comes to the environmental impact of your full Christmas tree, the choice is clear: artificial trees are the greener option. Live trees are typically grown on farms using pesticides and fertilizers, requiring significant water resources. Once the holiday season is over, they are usually discarded and end up in a landfill. In contrast, artificial trees can be reused for many years, reducing the number of trees cut down yearly.
A study by the American Christmas Tree Association found that it takes about ten years to use an artificial tree to offset the environmental impact of a single live tree. And, because artificial trees can be reused year after year, they result in less waste.
Another environmental benefit of artificial trees is that they don’t shed needles or sap, which can create a mess and clog vacuums, especially in homes with carpets. And, because they don’t dry out like live trees, they are less of a fire hazard.
Cost Savings: Artificial Trees Are a Smart Investment
While artificial trees may have a higher up-front cost than live trees, they are an intelligent investment in the long run. According to the National Christmas Tree Association, the average price of a live tree in 2020 was $79, while the average cost of an artificial tree was $104.
However, if you consider that an artificial tree can last for many years, the cost per use becomes significantly lower. If you use the same artificial tree for ten years, its price per use is just $10.40 per year, compared to the $79 cost of a live tree each year.
Additionally, artificial trees save you money by eliminating the need for tree stands, water, and the occasional replacement of lights. And, because they are less likely to shed needles and sap, they are also less likely to damage your floors and furniture.
In terms of convenience, artificial trees are also a winner. You can set them up whenever you want without worrying about finding the perfect time to go to the tree farm and bring home a live tree. And, when the holiday season is over, you can simply pack them away until next year.
In conclusion, while live trees may be a tradition for many households, artificial trees offer numerous benefits that cannot be overlooked. From their environmentally friendly nature to their long-term cost savings, it’s easy to see why more and more families are opting for artificial trees for their Christmas décor.