Your Christmas Decor


How Many Christmases Can You Celebrate with Your Artificial Tree?

Oh well, It depends.

It depends on a number of factors, and that includes your tree’s quality, whether or not you’ve got kids or pets in your home, and also the manner of storage of the tree.

Face it, the way you store your tree when it’s not in use determines how long it lasts.

Among the recommendations made by Consumer Reports for choosing an artificial Christmas tree, they emphasize the importance of hinged branches, a solid base, and lights with burnout protection.

Factors Affecting the Lifespan of an Artificial Christmas Tree

A fake tree is typically placed in a family’s home for around six to nine years before it’s tossed and a new one is bought.

You would save about 520 US dollars if you purchased an artificial Christmas tree for about 100 dollars and used it for eight years rather than buying a real tree for 78 dollars every year.

Fake trees have been criticized because of concerns about how they are manufactured and what products are used in their making. According to a Los Angeles Times article, most fake trees come from China and are made from materials such as lead and PVC plastic, which can harm children. Decomposing them in the landfill can take years once they’re thrown away.

Real Christmas trees, on the other hand, originate from local farms and are easily composted once the holidays are over.

However, there is some uncertainty as to which choice is better for the environment. American Christmas Tree Association research found that comparing one tree with another had no significant impact.

Researchers found that buying a fake tree may be more environmentally friendly in some cases, especially if consumers keep it for a period of six to nine years and give it up (by donation) once it’s no longer of use.