Step 1: Get white soap bars and grate
The small prickly side of the grater will be used to create a soap powder that resembles snow.
Rub the soap bar against the spikes of your box or cheese grater, from which you will collect the soap powder.
If you break up a 3 or 4 oz soap bar, you’ll get over a cup of grated soap paper that looks like finely grated parmesan cheese
Step 2: mix home-made snow flocking
Flocking trees and other decorations is often easier if you mix up the fake snow half to one cup at a time.
A little bit of snow flocking goes a long way, and it only takes a few minutes to prepare.
Pour about a cup of soap powder into a bowl with one cup of water. Hot water isn’t necessary; normal water with room temperature will do just fine. If you want, you can also add a few drops of pine oil, fir oil, or any winter-inspired oil into the mixture to make it smell like Christmas!
Mix the ingredients for about a minute or more, until the mixture resembles thick whipped cream. A little more water can be added if the mixture seems too dense.
Adding a small amount of grated soap powder will help if it’s too watery. The mix should be thicker so the white will be brighter when it dries.
Step 3: use!
Now you can spread some of the “whipped cream” flocking mixture on your Christmas tree. It works well on both fake and real Christmas trees.
Be patient and wait for the snow flocking to dry before decorating your flocked Christmas tree! And if you want some extra shine, sprinkle some glitter before the fake snow dries.
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